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How to Use AI to Write Blogs Fast in 2024

Last updated on October 21st, 2022 at 09:53 am

To become a successful blogger or generate great content for your business, you need to learn how to write blogs fast in 2024. The good news is that you can save time and money when you use AI to write blogs.

To rank for competitive keywords and generate traffic to your website, you’ll need to create a lot of content. Depending on your business or niche, creating a single blog post can take hours (or days).

You could pay a writer to create content for you, but that could cost you over a hundred dollars per post if you want high-quality content. Alternatively, you can save time and money using AI copywriting software to create content quickly.

You should use AI to speed up the writing process for many reasons. In this blog post, we’ll look at some of the benefits of AI copywriting software for bloggers and the best AI writing software for blogs and businesses.

In a Hurry? these are the AI Writing Tools I recommend!

Pricey but Powerful
Advanced and Affordable
Affordable AI Content Tool
From $19/month
Lasso Brag

How to use AI to write blog posts faster

AI writing software works with AI algorithms. These algorithms learn how to write compelling articles, which makes them perfect for creating blog content for your business, blog, or affiliate marketing website.

While most AI writing software may seem more expensive than human-written content, it’s still a better investment than hiring a writer. The reason is that AI writing software creates content at the speed of the internet, while human writers take much longer to produce the same quantity of content.

With AI copywriting software, you can quickly create hundreds of articles that would take weeks to create. All you have to do is enter the information, and the software does the rest. It’s an effective solution for marketing your products and services and advertising to your audience. Some AI content tools even include a bulk generator feature that means you can add your required inputs to a spreadsheet, upload a .csv file, and sit back while your content is created for you.

While you might prefer to manually type out an article’s content, this is incredibly time-consuming and prone to human error. You can get a great deal of value out of AI-based content creation. Rather than thinking of AI as replacing a writer, you should see it as a tool to support your writers as part of your overall marketing strategy.

What can you do with AI?

While we’re talking about making content faster, let’s talk about what you can do with AI. With so many of the tools that have come out in the past couple of years, it’s no longer just about the words you write. You must write engaging posts that readers will enjoy and want to share.

You can use an AI copywriting tool to create content for your blog or business that is natural and entertaining. This makes it more likely that people will enjoy reading your content – leading to more clicks and sales.

AI also offers you greater creative freedom. Using AI to create outlines for your blog posts and then generate the actual blog content gives you more time to try new things, experiment with different business strategies, and stay on top of your marketing game.

AI can help you to write content that is engaging and shareable. It can also create content that keeps your audience hooked, as a lot of AI tools are trained to create effective marketing copy. Whether you’re an individual, small business, a huge corporation, or running a digital marketing agency, utilizing AI for your marketing strategy can save you both time and money.

One of the most common reasons for using an AI copywriting tool is to create ad copy that can drive plenty of traffic to your site. Now, you can get even more out of that traffic when you use AI to write content that will engage your audience and boost your digital marketing efforts. This is because AI can help you create content that is personalized and relevant to your target audience, which will make them more likely to convert into customers or clients.

Additionally, AI can also help you optimize your content for search engines so that you can get even more traffic to your site. Tools like ClosersCopy actually include SEO content generation tools on top of the regular AI text outputs.

With an AI content tool, you can create things like e-books (to get visitors to sign up for your email list), generate engaging content for Facebook posts (which can, in turn, boost the traffic to your site), and even write the content for email marketing and landing pages. 

Some key uses for AI copywriting software

  • Write copy for pop-ups to get subscribers for your email marketing
  • Create content to be used in social media marketing
  • Generate digital marketing materials such as ads (e.g., Google AdWords)
  • Generate outlines for blog posts and other marketing materials to get traffic to your site
  • Create landing pages to use in your digital marketing sales funnels
  • Create content to be used in infographic designs for your advertising campaigns

What AI Content Tools Can’t Do

I wanted to add a disclaimer here, though. AI tools can’t wholly replace your content writers (or you if you do the content creation yourself.) AI content generation is improving, but it’s not a perfect science.

AI-generated content usually makes sense – but not always. You’ll still need to proofread and edit the generated content. I always advise taking the AI-generated copy as a springboard and adding (or removing) words, phrases, and even whole sentences and paragraphs, so that the copy sounds authentic and is consistent with your brand voice and style.

Google announced in March 2022 that it doesn’t approve of AI-generated content. To avoid penalties, your blog articles and marketing copy mustn’t sound like they’re machine-generated. AI content can reduce the time spent creating content. However, it’s still a supplement to your writing unless you want to risk your business website being penalized by Google in the SERPs. 

Choosing the Best AI Writing Tool for You

It sounds like a cliché, but not all AI writing tools are created equal. Some are fantastic… others are…well…not. It’s also important to remember that not all AI tools are designed or optimized for creating long-form content like blog posts. Different AI tools have been developed for different purposes, and while they’re becoming more advanced, with more features, a tool that’s designed to write product descriptions isn’t best suited for long-form content.

The price of AI writing tools also varies widely, so the right tool for you will ultimately depend on the amount of money you’re willing to spend on AI content. Some tools cost upwards of $50 a month, others only around $20.

What to look for in an AI content creation tool

I’ve been on a mission to test as many AI content writing tools as I possibly could – not only to find the best tool for my own use but to help you choose the right tool for your needs. When evaluating AI tools, I looked at:

  • Ease of use. This is a no-brainer. You don’t want to spend $20+ per month on a tool that’s difficult or frustrating to use.
  • Price. It’s not just about the actual monthly cost, it’s also about the value you get for what you’re paying out. A more expensive AI writing tool could prove to offer better value because the output is better or the features are more comprehensive.
  • Features. Like I said, not all AI tools are created equal. I looked for AI writing software that boasts more than just basic content output, such as SEO tools, integrations with other software, and plagiarism checkers.
  • Templates. Jasper calls them recipes, ClosersCopy calls them frameworks – whatever they’re called, what I looked for was AI tools that are able to create a wide variety of content types, such as blog introductions, paragraphs, product descriptions, ad copy, even whole blog posts.
  • Support. With any SaaS product, you want the peace of mind of knowing that you can get help if (when) you need it. I looked for AI writing software that has support agents available to help as well as helpful resources (think knowledge bases or courses on how to use the software.)

The best AI blog writing software – TESTED in 2024

WriteSonic – Innovative AI Content Generator With Tons of Features

WriteSonic use AI to write blogs

WriteSonic is one of the top AI content generators available (according to LinkedIn, anyway), and it keeps launching new features that only improve it. It uses GPT-3 to create content that is supposed to look like it’s been written by a human – plus, WriteSonic also checks for grammatical errors and readability in the content it outputs.

I’ve been testing out WriteSonic’s extensive features, and while it’s not perfect, I’ve been impressed by the range of content creation options available. Its pricing is more flexible than some AI writing tools, as the number of AI-generated words you get depends on the quality you opt for (you can choose from Premium, Good, Average, and Economy). 

I’d recommend the Long-Form plan, which starts at $19/month and includes 19,000 words at Premium quality (or 47,500 words at Good quality, 95,000 words at Average quality, or 190,000 words at Economy quality. 

WriteSonic pricing for AI writing tool

Like most AI tools, you’ll still need to do some heavy editing and fact-checking before you hit the publish button, but it is great for quickly generating a first draft that you can polish to perfection. The content does sound like it’s been written by a human, though, and if you choose the Premium quality option, you need to do a lot less editing!

When I put WriteSonic to the test, I found it to be one of the most straightforward AI tools to use, and the range of content types you can create is incredible. 

Some of the standout features include tools for creating:

  • Instant article – input a specific title, and WriteSonic will generate an article of up to 1500 words within a minute or two
  • Blog posts – AI can generate up to 1500 words for you when you input a title, intro, and outline
  • Facebook ads – generate stand-out ads in seconds
  • Article ideas – get ideas for your content and then use AI to write the content!
  • Article intros – stop staring at a blank page and get AI to create a great intro for your article or blog post
  • Instagram captions – make your Instagram posts stand out with AI-generated, attention-grabbing captions
  • Product descriptions – boost sales and save time with AI-created product descriptions
  • Song lyrics – one of WriteSonic’s newer features help get your creative juices flowing

Other tools you get with WriteSonic include:

  • Content rephrase
  • Sentence expander
  • Content shorten
  • Passive to active voice
  • Bullet point answers
  • Paragraph writer
  • Pros and cons
  • Questions
  • Feature to benefit
  • Analogy maker
  • Product name generator
  • Article rewriter

Why I Recommend WriteSonic

The flexibility and huge range of features on offer make WriteSonic stand out in the world of AI content creation tools. The ability to change the quality of the content generated each time you create a new piece of content is also a great bonus, meaning your monthly word allocation can go further.

Pros and Cons for WriteSonic


  • Affordable and flexible
  • New features frequently added
  • Instant article creator
  • Multi-lingual – available in 25 languages
  • Free trial with no credit card required


  • No option to export to Google Docs (docx and HTML exports only)
  • The built-in Sonic Editor has some limitations (such as no ‘undo’ button!)
Try WriteSonic for Free

ClosersCopy – Great Value AI Writing Software with Innovative Features

ClosersCopy AI writing tool for bloggers

I managed to get ClosersCopy on a lifetime deal, so I’ve been able to test it really thoroughly without worrying about word limits. After using Jasper.AI for a while, there was a bit of a learning curve with ClosersCopy, but ultimately I found it to be easier to use than Jasper!

The AI engine is the best part of ClosersCopy. Unlike most AI tools, ClosersCopy’s AI isn’t built on GPT-3. Instead, it uses a custom-built AI engine that’s trained to create the most human-sounding AI content. It’s particularly focused on creating marketing copy, but it works for blogging, too. Plus, ClosersCopy has over 50 different functions that allow you to create unique and engaging content quickly.

Compared to other AI content software, ClosersCopy is relatively affordable. I say relatively because its monthly plans start at $49/month, which is considerably more than rivals like WriteSonic and Copysmith. However, the Superpower plan ($79/month) includes unlimited AI writing and unlimited SEO audits each month – plus, you can share access with up to 2 additional users.

ClosersCopy use AI to write blogs
ClosersCopy offers a range of pricing options. Watch out for lifetime deals, too!

The lifetime deal offers even more value for money – and all lifetime plans include unlimited AI writing! What’s more, you’re able to pay in 3 installments for the lifetime plans, making these plans an absolute steal!

ClosersCopy has a variety of templates for you to choose from, as well as workflows that you can create yourself or use workflows created by community members.

The AI engine can also automatically create an outline for you. This is very useful because it saves you the time it takes to create an outline. You can use the outline to create a blog post quickly, or you can use it to make a podcast or an infographic.

You can also create blog posts in multiple languages – which is great if you want to expand your website to target visitors in their native languages without relying on tools like Google Translate.

Recently, ClosersCopy launched a new feature similar to the Content Editor in SurferSEO (but without the additional costs!) This new feature shows you the keywords you should include in your article based on the top competitors for your target keyword and gives you a content score. You can work on improving the content score by adding more content to your article either manually or using AI tools. This is a great way to boost your ranking in search engines.

Why I Recommend ClosersCopy

ClosersCopy isn’t the cheapest AI writing tool, but it does offer unlimited words and audits on some plans. Most rivals have strict word limits per month, so the costs involved with ClosersCopy actually work out to be excellent value for money. Additionally, ClosersCopy has an active Facebook group where you can learn from other users and use the community workflows that other users create.

Pros and Cons of Closers Copy


  • Community-added frameworks for quickly creating content
  • Over 700 different frameworks and workflows
  • Generates unique content that doesn’t need a lot of editing
  • Higher tier plans include unlimited words and audits
  • The SEO feature is similar to SurferSEO but without the additional costs


  • There’s not a massive team behind ClosersCopy, so new features take a while to roll out.
  • Like all AI writing tools, sometimes you have to experiment with your inputs to get the best results – which can be frustrating if you’re in a hurry.
Get ClosersCopy Subscription
Get ClosersCopy Lifetime Deal

Scalenut: AI Writing and SEO Optimization Combined!

Scalenut using AI to write blogs and more

Scalenut is an all-in-one AI and SEO content machine that uses NLP to help you create blog posts, landing pages, and ad copy that converts your visitors into customers.

Like SurferSEO, it enables you to create SEO-focused content outlines using information from your top competitors. Unlike SurferSEO, you can use Scalenut’s high-quality AI text generation features to generate paragraphs – cutting down the time it takes to write quality SEO-focused blog posts and articles.

Some AI content generation tools struggle with long-form content, but I’ve thoroughly tested Scalenut’s long-form AI generation features. While you’ll still need to do some editing, the content generated doesn’t sound machine-generated.

The best thing about Scalenut is that there’s a Free Forever plan and a 7-day free trial. Yes, the free-forever plan is limited to 2 SEO documents, 2,000 short-form AI words, and 2,000 long-form AI words – but the very fact that there is a free forever plan makes Scalenut stand out against the competition.

Scalenut’s pricing is similar to other AI content tools like ClosersCopy and Jasper.AI, but there are frequent discount offers, meaning you can get the Individual plan for just $12 a month when you pay annually. That includes unlimited short-form AI words and 20,000 long-form words. However, with the Individual plan, you cannot purchase additional credits.

Scalenut Pricing for AI writing and SEO tool

Content templates available in Scalenut include:

  • Product Descriptions
  • Online Review Generator
  • Answer a Question
  • Engaging Questions
  • Answer a Question in Bullet Points
  • Quora Answers
  • Heading to Paragraph
  • Meta Description
  • Introduction Paragraph
  • Blog Title Creator
  • Conclusion Paragraph
  • Blog Ideas
  • Simplify a Sentence
  • First Person to Third Person
  • Active to Passive Converter
  • Passive to Active Converter
  • Social Media Posts
  • AIDA 
  • Problem Agitate Solution 
  • Feature to Benefit
  • Unique Value Proposition
  • Landing Page Hero Text
  • Sales Email Generator
  • YouTube Video Title, Outline, Description, Hook, and Introduction Generators
  • Google Ad Headlines and Descriptions
  • Facebook Headlines and Descriptions

Should You Buy Scalenut?

I recommend you try the free trial with Scalenut to see if it’s right for you. If you can get Scalenut when it’s on sale, the Individual plan includes enough AI-generated words for up to 10 blog posts of 2,000 words – which you can quickly expand on to create long-form content that your readers will love. 

Pros and Cons of Scalenut


  • Incorporates SEO content planning and AI writing in one platform
  • Higher tier plans include topic clusters
  • Cruise mode enables you to create a blog in 5 minutes
  • Growth plan and above include unlimited words
  • The free-forever plan gives you access to AI content tools for zero cost


  • Best features only available on the Growth plan and above – which is quite costly
  • You can’t add additional team members unless you purchase the most expensive plan
Try Scalenut for Free

Jasper – AI content creation with SurferSEO integration

Jasper AI blog writing tool with SEO

Jasper.AI (formerly known as Jarvis) was one of the first AI writing tools I used – and there’s no doubt that it gives excellent results. One of the best features is its integration with SurferSEO, so you can optimize the AI-generated content without copying and pasting it into Surfer.

Many other great features make Jasper.AI an excellent tool for generating content for your website. You can use it to quickly generate content for blog posts, pages, and webinars. It can also help you to create press releases, white papers, and ebooks.

Another feature I appreciate is its ability to create content for you in a specific niche. For example, I can write an SEO article, and it will automatically add some keywords to the content. This helps to make sure that the content is keyword-rich.

One drawback with Jasper, however, is the monthly cost. If you only need a small amount of AI-generated content each month, then the lowest-priced plan ($29/month for 20,000 AI-generated words) sounds pretty reasonable. However, you have to remember that if you generate several different paragraphs from the same instruction but only use one of them, all of the generated words come out of your monthly word budget.

Furthermore, Jasper’s Starter plan lacks some essential features for long-form article creation, including SEO mode, Jasper commands, and the Documents feature that enables you to edit and format your AI-generated content in documents. You can’t purchase additional credits, either – you’ll need to upgrade to the more expensive Boss Mode plan instead.

Jasper AI pricing for ai writing tool

Templates and recipes available to use in Jasper include:

  • Paragraph Generator
  • Text Summarizer
  • AIDA Framework
  • Problem-Agitate-Solution (PAS) Framework
  • Product Description
  • Feature to Benefit
  • Sentence Expander
  • Amazon Product Features
  • Persuasive Bullet Points
  • Explain it to a Child
  • Creative Story
  • Blog Post Topic Ideas
  • Content Improver
  • Blog Post Outline
  • Blog Post Intro Paragraph
  • Blog Post Conclusion Paragraph
  • Ad Headlines and Text
  • Engaging Questions
  • Email Subject Lines
  • SEO Meta Descriptions and Titles

Reasons to Use Jasper.AI

Jasper.AI integrates with SurferSEO. That alone isn’t enough to justify the cost. The Boss Mode plan includes features that make Jasper.AI more helpful, and the content generated doesn’t require a lot of editing. If you have the budget for it, I recommend choosing Boss Mode.

Pros and Cons of Jasper.AI


  • Generates really good content (most of the time)
  • Easy to use
  • Integrates with SurferSEO, Grammarly, and Copyscape
  • You can create and submit your own recipes for content output
  • Jasper offers a free course to teach you how to get the most out of the tool


  • The best features are only available in the higher-priced plan
  • Pricing is relatively high
  • You’ll need to fact-check as output isn’t always accurate
Try Jasper and Get 10,000 FREE Words

Copysmith.AI: Easy-to-Use Content Generator Best for Short Form Content

Copysmith AI how to use ai to write

Like WriteSonic and Jasper, Copysmith uses GPT-3 to generate content based on your inputs. It was originally created for eCommerce marketers to create ads, product descriptions, and email newsletters, but its set of tools now makes it useful for bloggers and affiliate marketers, too. One of Copysmith’s big claims is that it can put an end to writer’s block forever – a bold claim that I had to put to the test!

Copysmith offers a 7-day free trial with free credits that allow you to try out the different features before deciding if this particular AI tool is right for you. You don’t need to provide credit card details, so you don’t have to worry about being charged when your trial is over, either. Its pricing is very similar to its competitors, with plans starting at $19/month for up to 40,000 words and 20 plagiarism checks per month.

CopysmithAI pricing for ecommerce ai writing help

One of Copysmith’s standout features is how it integrates with other software. It offers a Chrome extension so you can use Copysmith in your browser, and it has a Google Docs app that means you can use the “Rewrite” and “Expand” tools from Copysmith within your Google Docs files. There are also integrations with/apps for Microsoft Word, WooCommerce, Hootsuite, Shopify, Google Ads, Frase, and Zapier.

There are dozens of AI content creation features available in Copysmith, split into categories to make them easy to find. You can use Copysmith.AI to create:

CategoryTemplates/Tools Available
eCommerceProduct Description, Landing Pages, Amazon Product Description, Instagram Product Description, Sales Email Generator, Unique Value Proposition, Sales Email Subject Lines, Short Email Marketing Template, eBay Product Description, Etsy Product Description, Flipkart Product Description, Product Review Replies
AdsFacebook Ad, Ad Headlines, Google Ad, Instagram Ad, Ad Ideas, LinkedIn Ad Text, Carousel Ad
Articles & BlogsBlog Title, Content Rewriter, Blog Kickstarter, Content Enhancer, Long Form Content Creator, Blog Intro, Blog Ideas, Blog Outline, Bullet Point Expander, Listicle, Article Summary, Content Expander
Branding & WebsitesSEO Metatag, Taglines, Brand Essence, Pitch Yourself, Event Press Release, Social Media Captions
BrainstormingContent Ideas, Pain Benefit Solution, AIDA Framework, YouTube Video Description, Before After Bridge, Growth Ideas, FAQ Ideas

Why I Like Copysmith.AI

Copysmith is easy to use to create a wide range of different types of content, and the credit-based subscription model is ideal for creating short-form content like introduction paragraphs, product descriptions, ad text and headlines, etc. It’s also affordable to get started.

Pros and Cons of Copysmith.AI


  • Very easy to use
  • Plenty of templates available
  • Affordable pricing
  • Integrates with Google Docs, Microsoft Word, and Google Chrome
  • Settings to change things like tone and creativity


  • You’ll quickly burn through credits if you use Copysmith to create long-form content
  • The accuracy of the outputs is not the best – you’ll need to extensively fact-check
Try Copysmith.AI for Free

Comparison Table: Best tools for USING AI to write Blogs

Top Choice
Lifetime Deal
Pricey but Powerful
Advanced and Affordable
From $10/month
From $297 (one-time payment)
From $29/month
From $29/month
Yes - No credit card required
Get 10,000 free words when you sign up with my link
7 Days - no credit card required
Yes - Up to 2000 free words per month
Bloggers looking for a flexible AI writing tool
Bloggers and affiliate marketers
Bloggers who already use Surfer SEO
Bloggers and businesses with a bigger budget
Via integration with SurferSEO
Up to 120,000 words (depending on the quality)
20,000 words
100,000 words
Top Choice
From $10/month
Yes - No credit card required
Bloggers looking for a flexible AI writing tool
Up to 120,000 words (depending on the quality)
Lifetime Deal
From $297 (one-time payment)
Bloggers and affiliate marketers
Pricey but Powerful
From $29/month
Get 10,000 free words when you sign up with my link
Bloggers who already use Surfer SEO
Via integration with SurferSEO
20,000 words
Advanced and Affordable
From $29/month
7 Days - no credit card required
Yes - Up to 2000 free words per month
Bloggers and businesses with a bigger budget
100,000 words
Lasso Brag

5 Reasons to Use AI Tools for Blogging

1. They can write blogs for you

AI writing tools can write blogs for you. Although not all AI tools support quality long-form content generation, the ones on my list do. You’re not limited to just using AI to create catchy titles and ad copy – with AI content tools, you can write a whole blog post and do a bit of editing to make it fit your voice and style.

2. They’re faster than you

AI writing tools are much faster than humans. They can churn out blogs at a speed that makes you feel like you’re standing still. This means you can use your time to focus on other tasks and not worry about writing blogs. For example, it took me a couple of hours to generate the content for this post, edit it, source some images/screenshots, and publish it. Before using AI, that would have taken a couple of days.

3. They’re more accurate than you

Tools that use artificial intelligence (AI) can write better than you. They will get smarter over time, meaning they can crank out blog posts tailored to your topics and style. All you need to do is give them a title and some keywords, and they’ll do the rest. This is great news if you want to produce content quickly and efficiently without sacrificing quality.

4. They’re less expensive than you

AI writing tools are much cheaper than you. They can write blogs for pennies on the dollar. Plus, they don’t get distracted by Facebook, Instagram, or that cute cat video your friend sent you, so they’re much more efficient! By cutting down the time it takes to create content for your website, you can produce more content, which is better for SEO and may generate more traffic (and sales/commissions.)

5. They’re always learning

AI writing tools are always learning. They can learn new things and use them to make better writing decisions. This means they can keep improving over time. As they learn, you can use them even more in your marketing strategy – whether in ad copy to drive traffic to your website or blog posts to keep visitors engaged.

Remember that AI writing software should be used to support your marketing strategy, not replace the human element completely. You still need to edit, proofread, and check for plagiarism, no matter which AI software you choose. However, using AI can help you save time and produce high-quality content more efficiently. With the right tools, you can focus on developing a strong marketing strategy and leave the writing to the AI software.

The bottom line

If you’re looking to produce content quickly and efficiently, artificial intelligence can be a valuable tool. By harnessing the power of AI, you can create blog posts quickly while not compromising on quality. However, it’s important to note that not all AI content tools are created equal and if you’re not a savvy buyer you could end up paying high monthly fee for a sub-standard tool.

In my experience using various AI content generation tools, I’ve found that WriteSonic is the best option as its flexible pricing makes it excellent value for money. Its new features for creating blog posts from a single input also saves a lot of time.

ClosersCopy is a close runner-up – it’s more expensive, but you can generate unlimited words on higher-priced plans, pulse there’s a lifetime deal available. This makes it a great option if you want to generate content in bulk – perfect if you’re an affiliate marketer with multiple websites.


  1. How much do AI blogging tools cost?

    I’ll be straight with you, AI blogging tools aren’t cheap. The amount of AI-generated words you get varies depending on the tool, but most monthly plans start at around the $20/month mark. You can save money by opting for an annual or, if available, lifetime plan which means you won’t be faced with monthly costs once you’ve paid upfront.

  2. Will using AI writing tools affect my rank on Google SERPs?

    It depends on how much of your content is AI-generated. As long as you edit and expand on the AI-generated content, it will be difficult for Google’s bots to recognize your content as AI-generated. If you don’t edit and only publish AI content on your website, then there’s a much higher chance that you’ll lose ranking. All of the tools on my list will generate human-sounding content, but you should still edit and add your own voice.

  3. Can AI write a blog?

    Yes, technically, AI can write blog posts, but you won’t be able to publish the raw output from an AI tool – none of them are that good (not yet, anyway!) Tools like ClosersCopy and WriteSonic are able to produce up to 1500 words in a very short period of time, but it’s important to fact-check the outputs and do some editing to add your own personality to the content. Using AI does speed up the time it takes to create blog posts, though.

  4. Which AI tool is best for content writing?

    The right tool for you will really depend on what you want to use it for. Some tools, like Copysmith.AI are not really suited for creating long-form content, while others, like WriteSonic and ClosersCopy, are much better at creating longer pieces of content. It also depends on your budget because some tools are significantly more expensive than others.

  5. Is AI writing free?

    Most AI content writing tools do offer a short-term free trial period, so you can test AI writing software out for free. Scalenut also has a free-forever plan that includes up to 2000 AI-generated words per month – great for creating short content like product descriptions.
    To get the most out of AI content creation tools, however, you will need to subscribe to a monthly or annual plan. Some AI tools also have lifetime plans where you pay once and reap the benefits forever – these offer the best value, so it’s worth looking for those kinds of deals.

Top Choice
Writesonic AI Writer
From $10/month

WriteSonic is a powerful AI content creation tool that is more affordable than its rivals such as Jasper.AI. One of the best things about WriteSonic is that you can change the quality of the content output to get more words – and you can change the quality for each piece of content you create!

Free Trial: Yes - No credit card required
I earn a commission if you make a purchase, at no additional cost to you. WPWebWhizz is reader supported, and I only recommend products that I've personally tested and used.
Lifetime Deal
ClosersCopy Lifetime Deal
From $297

ClosersCopy is a great AI tool that offers some unique features. Unlike a lot of AI tools, it doesn't use GPT-3, and its skills are constantly being upgraded. What's more, you can choose one of four different lifetime plans and spread the cost over 3 installments!

Why You Should Buy: With this lifetime deal, you pay once and get to use ClosersCopy forever!
I earn a commission if you make a purchase, at no additional cost to you. WPWebWhizz is reader supported, and I only recommend products that I've personally tested and used.
Pricey but Powerful
Jasper AI Writing Assistant
From $29/month

Jasper (formerly known as Jarvis and Conversion.AI) is a powerful AI writing tool that integrates with SurferSEO to maximize your chances of ranking in Google. It's a little more expensive than some of its rivals, but the output quality is generally quite good. To get the best out of Jasper, you need to get the more expensive Boss Mode plan.

Free Trial: Get 10,000 free words when you sign up with my link
I earn a commission if you make a purchase, at no additional cost to you. WPWebWhizz is reader supported, and I only recommend products that I've personally tested and used.
Advanced and Affordable

Scalenut is an AI tool that just keeps on getting better. One of its standout features is its integrated SEO content outline tool that incorporates NLP and gives your content a grade as you write it. It's basically an AI content tool combined with the features of SurferSEO for one monthly (or yearly) fee.

Free Trial: 7 Days - no credit card required
Free Plan: Yes - Up to 2000 free words per month
We earn a commission if you make a purchase, at no additional cost to you.
ClosersCopy AI Copywriting Robot
From $49/month

ClosersCopy is one of the best AI writing tools on the market. It doesn't use GPT-3, is constantly being updated and upgraded to achieve new things, and it includes the same type of SEO audits as SurferSEO but without the additional cost. In addition to the lifetime deal, there's also the option to pay monthly (or annually.)

Money-Back Guarantee: 14 days
I earn a commission if you make a purchase, at no additional cost to you. WPWebWhizz is reader supported, and I only recommend products that I've personally tested and used.
Affordable AI Content Tool
From $19/month

Copysmith.AI is one of the more affordable AI content creation tools available, with plans starting at $19/month for up to 40,000 words. It has a great selection of templates and is especially good for eCommerce and short-form content. It's very easy to use, too.

Free Trial: 7 Days - No credit card required
I earn a commission if you make a purchase, at no additional cost to you. WPWebWhizz is reader supported, and I only recommend products that I've personally tested and used.
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Martyn Denial

Martyn Denial

I've been building websites with WordPress for over 10 years, and now I spend my days giving advice to others on how to make the most of WordPress for their websites. I'm also experienced in SEO and affiliate marketing, but WordPress is what I do best!View Author posts

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