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WordPress: Your Questions Answered (Even the Ones You Didn’t Know You Had!)

WordPress powers over 40% of the internet, and, aside from website builders designed for beginners (like Weebly), is the easiest way to get your website online. I’ve been building websites with WordPress for over a decade, so I consider myself a WordPress expert. My goal is to answer all the questions you have about WordPress – and those you didn’t even know you had – so you can get the most out of it.

In my consultancy business, I’ve found that there are three different types of people that come to me with questions about WordPress, so I’ve split this page into different sections to make it easier for you to find what you’re looking for. Choose the option that best describes you to jump straight to the most common questions people like you have asked me. Are you:

  • A total beginner? This is your first time using WordPress. Maybe you’ve never built a website before (not even with a website builder) and you have a lot of questions. You’ll want to check out the WordPress for Absolute Beginners section.
  • Someone who’s used WordPress before, but still has a lot of questions? You know your way around WordPress, but there are many things you haven’t tried or grasped fully. You’ll want to visit the Going Further With WordPress section.
  • A more experienced WordPress user? You’ve used WordPress for a while and know how it works, but you want to tackle things like Full Site Editing (FSE), custom CSS, and other advanced WordPress skills. You’ll want to head to the Advanced WordPress Skills section.

This page is a work in progress

WordPress is always evolving, so this page will evolve, too. New questions and answers will be added frequently, so bookmark this page and keep coming back. Better still, subscribe to my newsletter to be automatically updated!

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